There were entries that could not be imported. You may wish to review these entries from within “Personal Remote”. Misc. Cash Unable to Close the Year. There are unposted entries. Are you sure you wish to “Clear Paid Transactions”? Unable to age jobs. The date is invalid. Unable to assess charges. The date is in a closed Month. Unable to assess charges. The date field is invalid. The 'Journal Audit Trails' have been printed for review. Do you wish to continue with the posting process? Posting “^3”. Printing “^3”. Unable to calculate charges. There are unposted entries. Unable to age Jobs/Clients. There are unposted entries. Are you sure you wish to Close out “^3”? Unable to Close this Month. There are unposted entries. ^3 Days Annually Semi-Annually Quarterly Bi-Monthly Monthly Bi-Weekly Weekly Non-Recurring Do you wish to turn off the Posting Audit Trail? Never Unable to post. The date is in a closed Month Unable to post. The date is in a past Year Unable to post. The date is in a future Year Unable to post. The date field is invalid Do you wish to delete “^3”? “^3” has ^2 entries. Do you wish to delete it? Open Item Trust Activity Retainer Activity Credit Memo Receipts TimeSheet TimeSlip